SOLON, OH – December 12, 2023 – RMGT, manufacturer of the leading 8-UP sheetfed press in North America, announces a very successful PRINTING United Expo by announcing five new printers who have invested in RMGT presses. Reconfirming the strength of the sheetfed offset press market, these investments represent 26 press units that have gone under contract, were announced, or in the case of Inland Press have been installed since the PRINTING United Expo held in Atlanta in October. Emphasizing RMGT’s industry-widest model offering, these new press sales come from every segment of the RMGT product line, including the flagship 8-UP+ 970 Series, the extremely popular 8-UP 920 Series, the 6-UP+ 790 Series, and the space-efficient 6-UP+ 760 Series press. In each case these customers have moved to RMGT from other (mostly German) brands, which continues this market-share shift in the RMGT direction. Also following a sea change trend, each of these presses are equipped with the LED curing technology that was invented for the sheetfed world by Ryobi Graphic Systems back 2008.
GIA PrintingFounded in 1941, GIA Publications, Inc. a family-owned company based in Chicago, IL, is the largest provider of printed sheet music in the United States. Esteemed choral publisher Walton Music became part of GIA in 2013, and both World Library Publications (WLP) and Meredith Music joined the GIA family in 2020. Realizing a long-term goal of upgrading their efficiency, GIA Publishing will replace a German brand 28 x 40” press with a new 8-UP+ four-color RMGT 970 perfector with LED curing. The beauty of the new 8-UP+ 970 is that the super-efficient 25” x 38” sheet size encompasses 95% of the work GIA did on their 40” machine, but their cost of manufacturing will be substantially lower with the new RMGT 970. And with LED the new press will produce 16-page signatures at 15,000 SPH, which compares with running 30,000 SPH on a single-side 40” press. K & M Printing
Southern CompanyThe Southern Company, based in Atlanta, GA, supports 9 million customers and businesses nationwide with electric utilities in three states and natural gas distribution utilities in four states. This industry leading company also provides wholesale energy, customized distributed energy solutions, fiber optics and wireless communications across the country. As part of upgrading their in-plant offset printing operations Southern Company / Alabama Power replaced their existing German press with an extremely compact four-color RMGT 760 sheetfed offset press with LED from Benford UV. Delivering in early 2024, this new press will save 25% in floor space while now producing a 6-UP+ sheet size of 31”x 23.75” versus the 4-UP sheet size offered on their current press. Quick Reliable PrintingCelebrating over 40-years in business, Quick Reliable Printing (QRP), founded in 1979, is a commercial printing company based in Midland, Michigan. Replacing their legacy Sakurai press, QRP upgrades to an 8-UP, four-color RMGT 920 sheetfed offset press with LED curing from Benford UV. This investment in LED technology continues the mission of QRP to support renewable and sustainable environmental choices in print. Adding the 8-UP sheet size to QRP’s already impressive capabilities, will bring tremendous benefits the 2020 Midland Michigan Small Business of the Year award recipient. Recap“Investment in productivity and sustainability are common themes we are seeing with commercial printers, packaging printers, and in-plant operations throughout North America,” states Chris Manley, President, Graphco. “As these companies refresh their aging offset pressroom equipment with state-of-the-art RMGT presses, we are proud to add them to the growing list of printers who have made the switch and joined the RMGT family."
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November 2024
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